
Ever since my early days as a civil servant in the Department of Health, I have always worked in the field of leprosy. I dedicated nearly my entire life working in leprosy. After my retirement in 1999, I compiled all the information I had about leprosy control and made an inventory of settlements for people affected by leprosy. The leprosaria inventory was done for the most part in 2002/2003. I always intended to publish a book of all my collected findings but for one reason or the other, it was never realised. But some of part the information especially for the leprosy colonies in Indonesia could be published in the form of CD-interactive.

Later, I think it would be handy if all information to be put in a Blog. Blog is easy to produce, I can do it myself, and the reader coverage will be larger as it is published in the internet. Finally I have done it, this is the Blog that you are reading, dear readers.

I am aware that, without helps and contributions from many people from different institutions, the collected information which I put in this Blog would not have happened.  

1. Many thanks to Mr. Daan Ponsteen, project officer for NLR Amsterdam, for his constant support in the accumulation of all the data for the CD-interactive as well as for its production. 
2. I would like to also especially thank Dr. Liesbeth Mieras, for  her never-ending encouragement, her countless editing, and English corrections, and for organizing the production of the CD-interactive, where almost of the contents of the CD  I put in this Blog.
3. I would like to express my gratitude to all NLR Representatives to Indonesia during my services in the NLR office Jakarta:  Dr. Peter Lever, Dr. Erik Post, Mr. Michel van Zijl, Dianne van Oostehout. 
4. Many thanks also go to WHO, where I have the opportunities as a WHO short term consultant to some countries.
5. My thanks and gratitude to the countless staff of the Sub-Directorate of Leprosy and Yaws of the Ministry of Health of Indonesia, including those who are in the field names I could not mention one by one.
6. Thank to the all people affected by leprosy for their good cooperation and help when I made journey and inventory to visit them.
7. An un-ending gratitude for my beloved wife, Pia, and all my children, for their endless support, their willingness to provide me with flexible time to work, even if it meant that I was often travelling and away from them.

Jakarta, May 7, 2013
Yamin Hasibuan