Tuesday, November 11, 2014

7. Leprosy Control Dr. Soepomo H.T 1963 – 1965 www.dryaminleprosy.blogspot.com

When the Leprosy Control Research Institute was closed in May 1965 all its activities were incoorporated in the Control Program which later became know as The National Leprosy Control Programe of the Department of Health. Leprosy control was continued through the special clinics
<meta NAME=”Description” CONTENT=” National Leprosy Control Program in Indonesia, Program Pengendalian Kusta Nasional, Leprosy Control, Leprosy Hospital, Leprosy Colony, Artikel, www.dryaminleprosy.blogspot.com ”> <title> <head> <meta NAME=”keywords” CONTENTS=”Dr. Soepomo, Leprosy Control Research Institute ”> <head> <meta name =”robot” content=”index”> <meta name=”robot” content=follow”