Sumberglagah leprosy colony
Address: Perkampungan Kusta Sumberglgah, Tanjung Kenongo, Kec. Pacet, Kabupaten Mojokerto, Jawa Timur
General information of the Leprosarium
Address: Perkampungan Kusta Sumberglgah, Tanjung Kenongo, Kec. Pacet, Kabupaten Mojokerto, Jawa Timur
General information of the Leprosarium

The leprosarium was erected in two stages. The first part was erected in 1982 with the aim to settle down leprosy / ex-leprosy from Ngesol Surabaya. Ngosol is a temporary place for the people who were captured during the controlling of beggars and leprosy patients in the Surabaya city. The second part was erected in 1985 for ex-leprosy patients with social problems from Sumberglagah leprosy hospital which located nearby the leprosarium. At present the total inhabitant of the leprosarium are 473 consists of 205 ex-leprosy patients within 162 couples and 268 healthy people. The proportion of ex-leprosy patients is 43%. The leprosarium belongs to the Provincial Social Department. Ex-leprosy patients are receiving ration from the government (province and district). The donations from district are distributed in 3 monthly basis to the whole 162 couples (5 kg rice, one bottle of kecap, 5 pack of supermie). The donation from province is distributed once in a year (50 kg rice, 25 soap, 4 boxes supermie, 5 bottles of kecap). Since 2002 the leprosarium has been closed for new comers.
Observation found that the settlement is isolated from the healthy village. It is located about 0.5 km from the Sumberglagah leprosy hospital. The leprosarium administratively is not under the hospital, but under Social Affair.