Balun hospital of Denpasar
According to Dr Sukadana, during the Dutch occupation in Indonesia, there was one leprosy hospital and 3 leprosy colonies that had ever been reported in Bali province i.e Balun Leprosy Hospital, Kaligenit leprosy colony at Buleleng district, Tangtu Leprosy colony at Badung district and Yehputek leprosy colony at Tabanan district. At present only Yehputek leprosy colony is still exists.
Since 2001 Balun Leprosy Hospital has been changed its function to specialized hospital for eye, skin, nose and ear. All leprosy patients in Tangtu had been transferred to Yehputek in 1985. The Tangtu leprosy colony has been changed the function to Balai Pelatihan Kesehatan Propinsi Bali (Provincial Health Training Center). At present there are only 2 ex-leprosy patients living in Kaligenit leprosy colony. Both of the ex-leprosy patients are in old ages (more than 70 years old). Therefore Kaligenit leprosy colony naturally have integrated to normal village.