Thursday, November 20, 2014

1.1 Pangwa Leprosy Colony Aceh

Pangwa is located about 35 KM from Sigli the capital of Pidie district of Aceh province. The inhabitant from Pangwa were staying in nearby camp soon after tsunami. The nearest Helth Center to Pangwa Leprosy colony is Puskesmas Ting Gading. According to Mr Badaruddin Ismail, chief Village where the barracks located, there is health post provided by the government for the Barracks. It is only opened 3 times a week and there is a shortage of drug.

History of Pangwa Leprosy colony

There is no document found at the district health office regarding the Pangwa Leprosy colony. The history of Pangwa is stated based on interview with one of the old ex-leprosy patients who is also staying in barracks. Mr. Abdulatif Nurdin, 73 years old tells the history of Pangwa:Dutch period:

Pangwa Leprosy colony was built by Dutch in 1914. There were about 70 houses built for leprosy patients. During that time leprosy patients were caught and sent to leprosy colony. Leprosy patients must be isolated. All living costs were provided by Dutch. Leprosy patients were treated with stibopen and chaulmoogra. There was no DDS during that time.

Japan period (1942 – 1945):

Living costs were continued. Treatment of leprosy was same (stibopen and chaulmogra).

After the independence of Indonesia, leprosy colony was handed over to the government. Pangwa Leprosy colony then belongs to Wedana (Kabupaten). Living costs were still good and continued. During President Suharto period, living cost was given in the form of ration package. One package consists of rice, cooking oil, soap, sugar, tea, and milk.

Treatment of leprosy was changed to DDS since 1952. In 1982 treatment for leprosy were provided by WHO i.e Rifampicin, Dapsone and Lamprene in loose packed form. Since 1998 living cost for leprosy was reduced, every leprosy patient gets only Rp. 10,000 per month. The leprosy patients must work for additional income such as to be a fishery, chicken raring, made floor mats. Some leprosy patients died but some came to the leprosarium.

Inhabitant’s statistic before tsunami: Total inhabitants is 209 consist of 30 (ex) leprosy patients and 179 healthy people. There were 41 persons lost or died during tsunami (all of them are healthy people). They were staying in camps for about 2 months. Now they are staying in new barracks. The barracks were provided only for inhabitants from Pangwa. It is written in front of the barracks “Posko Pengungsian Perkampngan Kusta Kusta” At present there are 58 couples, 30 ex-leprosy patients with 168 inhabitants in total, are staying in the barracks. Proportion of leprosy patients is 18%. There are 35 children.  All children are schooling at the schools nearby. Majority of them prefer to go back to their original village. They are boring stay in the barracks. They have no job. They depending on the donation where they feel are not enough.