The correct name of the Leproasium is Matang Limeng. In Dr Zuiderhook report mentioned that two leprosaria in Kecamatan Samudera of Aceh Utara i.e Geudong and Kuta Krueng. In reality only one Leprosarium called Matang Limeng. Matang Limeng Leprosaium is located at Kuta Krueng village, Kemukiman Blang Me, Kecamatan Samudera. Geudong is a capital of Kecamatan Samudera.
Matang Limeng Leprosarium is located about 35 Km from Lhoksemawe the capital of Aceh Utara District. Before tsunami it was reported that there were 32 couples, 44 (ex) leprosy, with total of 110 inhabitants living in the Leprosarium. There were 44 people (10 leprosy patients and 14 non-leprosy) died or lost during tsunami. At present, total inhabitants are 86.
Matang Limeng post tsunami:
Matang Limeng Leprosarium is located about 35 Km from Lhoksemawe the capital of Aceh Utara District. Before tsunami it was reported that there were 32 couples, 44 (ex) leprosy, with total of 110 inhabitants living in the Leprosarium. There were 44 people (10 leprosy patients and 14 non-leprosy) died or lost during tsunami. At present, total inhabitants are 86.
Matang Limeng post tsunami:

Total inhabitants is 86 consists of 34 ex-leprosy patients and 52. They are staying in temporary barracks within normal village nearby. He barracks are provided by the people from the old building in the village. There are new barracks built by the government for IDPs including from the Matang Limeng Leprosy colony (Beringin Barracks). According to the people from Leprosy colony, they were not asked to move to that barracks probably the normal people did not want to stay together with them. Therefore they like to stay at their temporary barracks now. Majority of them like to go back to their original place. They proposed to the government to build housing at the same location with former leprosy colony. Ex-Matang Limeng Leprosarium after tsunami.
The problem in re-building housing at the same location is too close to the sea. To build housing must follow BLUE PRINT issued by the government