Thursday, November 20, 2014

Leprosy Colonies Summary

Dr. B. Zuiderhoek reported (1893) that there were 56 
leprosy colonies in Indonesia. During the inventory in 2003, not all 56 leprosy colonies in the table were eligible to be visited. In the other hand, some leprosy colonies were not in the Zuiderhoek's list, were eligible to be visited and had been visited i.e 12 leprosy colonies (Margo Mulyo I, Sungai Pulih, Margo Mulyo II, Wireskat, Babat Jerawat, Kanar, Pakunan, Hok Lo Nam, Roban, Landipokki, Saparua, P. Molana, and Wainatu). Margo Mulyo I in South Sumatera and Margo Multo II in Banten province were established under the cooperation of three Ministries (Home Affairs, Social Affairs and Ministry of Health in 1996 where lunched by the late Dr M. Adhyatma). During the visit, Margo Mulyo I & II settlements has been closed because (ex) leprosy patients had had left the settlements.

The Six reported leprosy colonies in NAD province have not been visited yet due to security reason in 2003. But later in 2005 the writer visited Aceh and could manage inventory, found that only 5 leprosy colonies in Aceh province (not 6). Four leprosy colonies which were defined as leprosy colony (Tugurejo, Kelet, Kediri, Cancar), in reality they were not Leprosy colony per definition. There were no leprosy settlements surrounding the hospitals. Tugurejo and Kelet, former were defined as leprosy hospitals, during the visit have changed to general hospitals and are still in function. The Cancar that was erected in 1966, from the beginning it caters for general diseases named St. Rafael Cancar Hospital. During the visit, the Cancar function has been changed to cater for handicapped patient including leprosy patients. From a total of 80 handicapped patients (handicap, poor old people), 5 were warded for disable ex-leprosy patients.

 In conclusion, during the inventory, there were 63 leprosy colonies had been visited where 46 were still exist, 11 had been closed, 6 change in function (Kelet, Tugurejo, Kediri, Balun, Cancar, Merauke HC or Rimba Raya HC). 

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