Pulau Sicanang Leprosy Hospital, 2003
General information
General information
In the Governor decree no 144, 1982 it is stated that this institution is defined as a leprosy hospital, with a status of the Provincial Health Services operation unit. Therefore, this institution belongs to the provincial government. It is located about 10 km away from Deli Serdang District (Sei Rampah) and 28 km from Medan. P.Sicanang leprosy hospital was erected in 1914.
A 200-bed hospital caters for leprosy from North Sumatera but mainly from the neighbor of Aceh Province. There is a small possibility that the hospital will be turned into a general hospital, but that depends on the Provincial Government
Since economic crisis in Indonesia the hospital become under utilize. The bed occupancy was only 17.9% in 2000. At present there are 36 leprosy patients admitted to hospital (16 PB, 20 MB). To maximize to utilization of the hospital, some months ago they starting to diversify to cater for non leprosy patients. The hospital has one general doctor (the director), one physiotherapist, one shoemaker and one prosthetic maker. There were no surgeon, dermatologist and ophthalmologists working in the hospital.
Several years ago the hospital was fully occupied by the leprosy patients. Some of them didn’t want to go back home although they have been declared cured (RFT) and no medical indication anymore to stay longer in the hospital. The number of patients with social problems increased year by year. Therefore the hospital had to find way to solve this problems. Then a leprosy village was erected surrounding the hospital is a place for ex-leprosy patients with social problems in 1916.
Leprosy colony:
Leprosy colony is called Leprosy Village or leprosy settlement, situated surrounding the hospital.
At the beginning, the settlement has 1510 hectares of land, but now it is remaining 180 hectares. Total inhabitants are 399 (222 ex-leprosy patients and 177 healthy people). The settlement is subordinated to the Sicanang Leprosy Hospital. The proportion of ex-leprosy patients of total inhabitants is 57%. The government donates the ex-leprosy patients rations one pack per month per person which is consists of rice 10 kg, sugar 2 kg, salt 1 kg, kerosene 2 liters, soap 4, and tea 2 boxes. The child age of ex-leprosy patients get ½ pack. Since 1985, there will be no more additional ration for newly admitted ex-leprosy patients. Additional incomes derive from the result of cultivating the land such as shrimp breeding, fishery, paddy, and vegetables.