Nganget Leprosy Colony
Address: The Social Rehabilitation for Ex-leprosy Patients House (Panti Rehabilitasi Social Eks-kusta Nganget), Singgahan, Tuban, Jawa Timur
Address: The Social Rehabilitation for Ex-leprosy Patients House (Panti Rehabilitasi Social Eks-kusta Nganget), Singgahan, Tuban, Jawa Timur

General information (2003)
Former it was a Leprosarium and belongs to Department of Health East Java Province. Following the government policy, the leprosarium has changed to social rehabilitation under the department of social east java since 1996.
There are two type of facilities provided for ex-leprosy patients.
1). Boarding House (Panti).
This facility caters for old ages ex-leprosy, severe disability and with specific condition. At present there are 80 ex-leprosy patients staying in the boarding house. All of them are dependent people. The government provides Rp 7,500. per had per day for food, dress 2 times per year, and drugs. There is a clinic nearby the house. This clinic run by a nurse and belongs to the department of health.
2). Non-boarding House (Non-panti) or leprosy settlement.
At present there are 156 couples in total living in three blocks of the settlement (Block 4, 5 and Block 6). Block 4 inhabitant is 119 people (44 couples, 88 ex-leprosy patients and 31 healthy people). Block 5 inhabitant is 129 people (47 couples, 94 ex-leprosy patients and 35 healthy people). Block 6 inhabitant is 184 people (65 couples, 130 ex-leprosy patients, 54 healthy people). This figure shown that total inhabitant is 467 (347 ex-leprosy and 120 healthy) and the proportion of ex-leprosy patient is 74 %. They are living with their families in self-reliance status. The settlement has 13 hectares of land. The inhabitants are cultivating the land for their living. The housing and the land belong to the government