Dr. H. Boenyamin: 1950 - 1959
In 1950 Dr. H. Boenyamin became the head of the NLCP station in Jakarta while at the same time also heading the Central Institute for Leprosy Research. He later changed the Institute’s name to “The Leprosy Control Research Institute” (Lembaga Penyelidikan Pemberantasan Penyakit Kusta- Lembaga P3) which was located at Jalan Kimia in Jakarta.
Indonesia started treatment for leprosy with Diamino Diphenil Sulfon (DDS) in 1951. Treatment with DDS was given through special clinics. Since leprosy treatment was handled in a special way, all staffs involved had to undergo special training. Since 1953 all staff and officers attached to leprosy clinics were given training at the P3 institute and training for the rehabilitation program was held at Sitanala Leprosy Hospital Tangerang.
Sitanala Leprosy Hospital was erected in 1951. It was the former ‘Lenteng Agung Leprosy Hospital’ situated 12 km south of Jakarta main town. The hospital headed by Dr. Vander Heide (a Dutch doctor) had been moved to Tangerang about 25 km west of Jakarta.
During this period the Kelet hospital in Central Java was also upgraded to become a Leprosy hospital and from 1951 onwards people with general diseases were not accepted anymore. At the same time, Plantoengan Leprosarium was closed; all leprosy affected inhabitants were transferred to Kelet Leprosy Hospital.
Recording and reporting systems were introduced; the number of registered cases and the number of cases with disabilities. Dr Boenyamin compiled these reports and made a map of leprosy in Indonesia.
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Indonesia started treatment for leprosy with Diamino Diphenil Sulfon (DDS) in 1951. Treatment with DDS was given through special clinics. Since leprosy treatment was handled in a special way, all staffs involved had to undergo special training. Since 1953 all staff and officers attached to leprosy clinics were given training at the P3 institute and training for the rehabilitation program was held at Sitanala Leprosy Hospital Tangerang.
Sitanala Leprosy Hospital was erected in 1951. It was the former ‘Lenteng Agung Leprosy Hospital’ situated 12 km south of Jakarta main town. The hospital headed by Dr. Vander Heide (a Dutch doctor) had been moved to Tangerang about 25 km west of Jakarta.
During this period the Kelet hospital in Central Java was also upgraded to become a Leprosy hospital and from 1951 onwards people with general diseases were not accepted anymore. At the same time, Plantoengan Leprosarium was closed; all leprosy affected inhabitants were transferred to Kelet Leprosy Hospital.
Recording and reporting systems were introduced; the number of registered cases and the number of cases with disabilities. Dr Boenyamin compiled these reports and made a map of leprosy in Indonesia.
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