Banten Province
1 Perkampungan Kusta Desa Serba Guna (leper village)
2 Margo Mulya II Resettlement
1 Perkampungan Kusta Desa Serba Guna (leper village)
2 Margo Mulya II Resettlement

At present total inhabitants of the Serba Guna are 2,818 consists of 885 ex-leprosy patients and 1,933 healthy people. Therefore the proportion of ex-leprosy patients is 31%.
Administratively this leprosy village is similarly with normal villages under the Tangerang Mayoralty. The village has their own village administrator, public school also available here.
2 Margo Mulya II Resettlement
Address: Margomulyo II, Leuwidamar of Lebak District

Brief history and present situation (2003)
With the collaboration between the ministry of health and social department, two settlements for ex-leprosy patients from Sitanala Leprosy Hospital were established in 1985 i.e Margomulyo I in Mariana Village of South Sumatera province and Margomulyo II in Leuwidamar of Lebak district of Banten province.
Margomulyo II settlement.
This settlement is situated about 25 km away from Rangkasbitung the capital of Lebak district and about 65 km from Serang (the capital of Banten province). The social department provided fifty houses with 34 hectares of land while the ministry of health sent 126 people within selected 42 couples of ex-leprosy patients from Sitanala, and 24 people within 8 couples of ex-leprosy patients from Lebak district or 150 people in total. The social department also provided subsidy for their living from 1985 till 1991. The time passing by, it is the fact that inhabitants of this settlement were decreased year by year. Most of them were not happy to stay here; the society surrounding did not welcome them. According Mr Karyono who still live in the settlement at present, some of the reasons why they leave the settlement because of they could not cultivate the land as the water is poor for farming, difficult to find jobs in society surrounding the settlement which eventually create the not good relationship with the community. Beside that, ex-leprosy patients are easily went back to Sitanala where they can make money and stay illegally with their old relatives in the compound. At the same time there was no close supervision from the government therefore they can sell their own properties including the lands to other normal people.
With the collaboration between the ministry of health and social department, two settlements for ex-leprosy patients from Sitanala Leprosy Hospital were established in 1985 i.e Margomulyo I in Mariana Village of South Sumatera province and Margomulyo II in Leuwidamar of Lebak district of Banten province.
Margomulyo II settlement.
This settlement is situated about 25 km away from Rangkasbitung the capital of Lebak district and about 65 km from Serang (the capital of Banten province). The social department provided fifty houses with 34 hectares of land while the ministry of health sent 126 people within selected 42 couples of ex-leprosy patients from Sitanala, and 24 people within 8 couples of ex-leprosy patients from Lebak district or 150 people in total. The social department also provided subsidy for their living from 1985 till 1991. The time passing by, it is the fact that inhabitants of this settlement were decreased year by year. Most of them were not happy to stay here; the society surrounding did not welcome them. According Mr Karyono who still live in the settlement at present, some of the reasons why they leave the settlement because of they could not cultivate the land as the water is poor for farming, difficult to find jobs in society surrounding the settlement which eventually create the not good relationship with the community. Beside that, ex-leprosy patients are easily went back to Sitanala where they can make money and stay illegally with their old relatives in the compound. At the same time there was no close supervision from the government therefore they can sell their own properties including the lands to other normal people.

At present Margomulyo II settlement is subordinated by the Social Department of Lebak District.
Since 1991 there have been no more donation from the government. Of total origin 50 houses, only 6 houses are now belonged to the ex-leprosy patients. There are 9 ex-leprosy patients stated here, but only Mr Karyono who living here permanently as he was selected as chief of the compound (RT). The other ex-leprosy patients, most of the time left their houses, but some time they come back to see their belongings.
The situation of the settlement has changed to a normal society. At present there are 88 houses and 250 persons inhabiting the settlement. The proportion of ex-leprosy of total inhabitants is 15%. It is not clear about the property certificates, as the government seem to be not interested to control them. The former road that can be passed with cars has damaged. Therefore, at present transportation to the settlement only available with motorcycles.