Present situation of the Suka Pulih Leprosy Settlement (SPLS), 2003.
This was one of the Social Department project on leprosy settlement erected in 1991. It is situated about 10 km away from Padamaran and 35 km from Kayu Agung the district’s capital. At the beginning there were 50 couples ex-leprosy joined this resettlement. Every couple got one house and 2 hectares of land. The government only subsidized them with ration during the first 3 months. At present the settlement is subordinated by district government. There are remaining 18 couples live here. The other had moved to another places. Total numberof ex-leprosy patients are 84. Healthy people are 313. None of them are on MDT treatment anymore. Total inhabitants (ex-leprosy patients and healthy people are 397). Therefore the proportion of ex-leprosy patients is 21% All of them are in self-reliant status. There is no donation from the government anymore.