National NGO
· Yayasan Kusta Indonesia in Surabaya: At present the Foundation is still active focusing on Social Economic Rehabilitation with the collaboration with NLR in Surabaya.
· Yayasan Bina Sehat in Tangerang (1987-1990)17 . This foundation covered MDT for Tangerang district with the support from UNDP Indonesia.
The following are some documentary photos of launching MDT (1988) sponsored by Yayasan Bina Sehat in Tangerang, venue at Curug Puskesmas.
· Yayasan Kusta Indonesia in Surabaya: At present the Foundation is still active focusing on Social Economic Rehabilitation with the collaboration with NLR in Surabaya.
· Yayasan Bina Sehat in Tangerang (1987-1990)17 . This foundation covered MDT for Tangerang district with the support from UNDP Indonesia.
The following are some documentary photos of launching MDT (1988) sponsored by Yayasan Bina Sehat in Tangerang, venue at Curug Puskesmas.

Welcome speech by Mr. Tajus Sobirin, head of Tangerang District (Bupati).
Introducing Tangerang district focused on health sector including leprosy

Speech by Dr, Gandung Hartono, Director General of Communicable Disease Control,
Ministry of Heath. Stressing the inportance of taking MDT by the leprosy patients.
With MDT drug, leprosy can be cured.

Speech by Siti Hardiyanti Indra Rukmana (Mbak Tutut), the daughter of President Soeharto.
Stressing about social aspek. Leprosy patients should equally be treated.

Dr Yamin Hasibuan, the founder of the Yayasan Bina Sehat Tangerang received
'Plakat Penghargaan' (Award Plaque) from Bupati Tengerang.

First supervised dose of MDT was given to the leprosy patient
by the Bupati Tajus Sobirin.

Open discussion with people affected by leprosy

Field visit by Mr. Galal M Magdi, UNDP representative to Indonesia (1990)

Dr Yamin Hasibuan was explaining to Mr. Galal M Magdi about
the progress of the MDT project in Tangerang
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