Thursday, November 13, 2014

23. Leprosy Control Partnership Ciba Geigy Leprosy Fund (CGLF)

Ciba Geigy Leprosy Fund (CGLF)

CGLF commence it leprosy work in Indonesia in 1988. The area coverage was  Kuningan district of West Java, Singkawang and Ketapang districts of West Kalimantan. The support was phased out in 1992

Type of assistance: MDT programme, printing material, vehicle and produced two leprosy documentary films, entitled Healthy Fish remains healthy (Ikan Sehat Tetap Sehat), My Fierce and Loving Father (Bapakku Garang Bapakku Sayang). Dr Yamin Hasibuan was acting as Dr. Harun in these two films.

<meta NAME=”Description” CONTENT=” National Leprosy Control Program in Indonesia, Program Pengendalian Kusta Nasional, Leprosy Control, Leprosy Hospital, Leprosy Colony, Artikel, ”> <title> <meta NAME=”keywords” CONTENTS=”Ciba Geigy Leprosy Fund, CGLF”> <head> <meta name =”robot” content=”index”> <meta name=”robot” content=follow”