Thursday, November 20, 2014

1.4 Kolam Natam Leprosy Colony Aceh

Kolam Natam Leprosy colony is located about 5 KM from the Natam HC.

The history of Kolam Natam was briefed by Mr Nababan who is the coordinator of donation for the leprosy colony. Mr Nababan is working Leuwi Desky for church and running at clinic include leprosy patients. 

Mr Nababan explanations:

During the Dutch occupation Indonesia, leprosy patients in Aceh Tenggara must be isolated at Purwadadi Village, about 10 Km from Kutacane the capital of the Aceh Tenggara District. Living cost and housing are maintained by Dutch. After some years the local government thought that the location of leprosy colony should be moved to another place due to the development of the town and stigma with leprosy. The government provided land at Kolam Natam which is 6 KM away from the Purwadadi. Pastor E.A M Raessens from the Lewidesky church funding to build housing at the land provided by the government in 1971. Step by step the inhabitants from Purwadadi were transferred to the new location. In 19872 all inhabitants from Purwadadi had been moved to Kolam Natam Leprosy colony. Some patients had died and some came in to the leprosy colony. Living cost and housing maintaining are provided by church.

At present there are 146 inhabitants within 58 couples. Number of (ex)-leprosy patients is 68. Mr Nababan organizes and supervises the leprosy colony. According to Mr Nababan the church provides:  rice, money Rp. 30,000 per month per patients. For the deformed patient will get additional Rp 20,000 per month. Dresses for the patient are provided 2 times in a year.

Observations and interviewed:

Many patients with plantar ulcers, some with severe damaged of feet.

The children are going to school at public schools with minimum costs.