“Lembah Nugraha Hayat” leprosy colony or “Pandu” leprosy colony Ex-Malalayang leprosy hospital)
Address: Desa Pandu, Kec. Mapanget, Kota Manado.
Address: Desa Pandu, Kec. Mapanget, Kota Manado.
Present situation (2003)
The leprosarium is subordinated to the provincial government, technically run by Manado Mayor. Before economic crisis the government subsidized ex-leprosy patients which was consisted of:
The provincial government donated Rp169,000 per month in cash and rice 60 kg per head.
Manado Mayoralty donated Rp 1,500 per day per head of ex-leprosy patient.

At present there are a total of 81 ex-leprosy patients within 43 couples living in the leprosarium. None of them are on MDT treatment anymore. There are no records describing the type of leprosy the patients have had before declare as released from treatment. The healthy inhabitants (never affected by leprosy) living in the leprosarium are recorded to be 196 persons (181 within 52 normal couples, and 15 are healthy children of ex-leprosy patients). Therefore the total number inhabitants living in the settlement are 277. Proportion of ex-leprosy patient is 29 %.
Medical services
There is no in-patient department in the settlement. There is a clinic attached to the settlement where a (pensioned) paramedic runs the daily activities