Teppo leprosy colony (2003)

General information (2003)
Teppo is said to be the oldest leprosy settlement inSouth Sulawesi. It was founded under Dutch colonial government -probably in the beginning of the last century- in a slightly hilly region between the street of Makassar and the mountains of Majene’s inland. Nowadays, the outskirts of the town of Majene are only one kilometre away.
The settlement spreads over 4 hectares of stony land, simple traditional wooden houses on pole scattering over it, some of them in bad good condition. 53 families with all in all 143 family-members are living here these days. The total number of people affected by leprosy is 57. The other 86 people have never been affected by leprosy. The healthy inhabitants are the children and grandchildren of people affected by leprosy, as well as their husbands and wives. None of the leprosy affected long-term inhabitants is on MDT treatment anymore, but still sometimes new patients are arriving, from distinct regions in the mountains without healthcare facilities, or from other districts where they fear to be acknowledged as having leprosy, to live in Teppo while getting MDT treatment. Most of them do not go back after treatment.
Teppo is the responsibility of the district government of Majene. The government provided houses which were later handed over to the inhabitants, while the land is still governmental property. Regular support is given in the form of 200 kilogram rice per month, which is divided over all 53 families, leaving only about 4 kilogram per family. Around every 5 years the district health department carries out a varying social program for Teppo, which might be in the form of house renovations, nourishment campaigns or the donation of goats. The latter obviously has been successful, as quite a number of inhabitants still live on goat breeding started with a donation some years ago.
Medical services
No health facilities are available in Teppo, although a several years old small building with the name ‘Health Post’ exists in the middle of the settlement. According to the inhabitants, it has never been in use, and today would need thorough renovation to become usable. The inhabitants would like it to become a health centre, as most of the older and severely disabled people are too ashamed to visit the health centre outside.Two nurses from the responsible health centre visit Teppo every two or three months (or less) for general health care and health problems related to leprosy.
Teppo is said to be the oldest leprosy settlement inSouth Sulawesi. It was founded under Dutch colonial government -probably in the beginning of the last century- in a slightly hilly region between the street of Makassar and the mountains of Majene’s inland. Nowadays, the outskirts of the town of Majene are only one kilometre away.
The settlement spreads over 4 hectares of stony land, simple traditional wooden houses on pole scattering over it, some of them in bad good condition. 53 families with all in all 143 family-members are living here these days. The total number of people affected by leprosy is 57. The other 86 people have never been affected by leprosy. The healthy inhabitants are the children and grandchildren of people affected by leprosy, as well as their husbands and wives. None of the leprosy affected long-term inhabitants is on MDT treatment anymore, but still sometimes new patients are arriving, from distinct regions in the mountains without healthcare facilities, or from other districts where they fear to be acknowledged as having leprosy, to live in Teppo while getting MDT treatment. Most of them do not go back after treatment.
Teppo is the responsibility of the district government of Majene. The government provided houses which were later handed over to the inhabitants, while the land is still governmental property. Regular support is given in the form of 200 kilogram rice per month, which is divided over all 53 families, leaving only about 4 kilogram per family. Around every 5 years the district health department carries out a varying social program for Teppo, which might be in the form of house renovations, nourishment campaigns or the donation of goats. The latter obviously has been successful, as quite a number of inhabitants still live on goat breeding started with a donation some years ago.
Medical services
No health facilities are available in Teppo, although a several years old small building with the name ‘Health Post’ exists in the middle of the settlement. According to the inhabitants, it has never been in use, and today would need thorough renovation to become usable. The inhabitants would like it to become a health centre, as most of the older and severely disabled people are too ashamed to visit the health centre outside.Two nurses from the responsible health centre visit Teppo every two or three months (or less) for general health care and health problems related to leprosy.