Friday, November 21, 2014

12.2 South Sulawesi province: 'KM 10' leprosy colony -

KM 10 leprosy colony:

 General information (2003)

The settlement is subordinated to the Makassar Municipality. It was erected in 1955 on 10 hectares of land for people affected by leprosy from the Jongaya leprosy hospital in Makassar City. At the time of the visit a total of 399 people are living in the Km-10 settlement, of which 150 people affected by leprosy. Some of them are married to other people affected by leprosy, some to people that never had leprosy, others are already widow(er)s. Five patients are still treated with MDT, of whom three are newcomers to the settlement, while two are the children of people affected by leprosy. They collect their MDT at the Daya Leprosy Hospital.

According to our observation, the settlement is totally integrated into the surrounding community. There is no clear border between the leprosy settlement and the surroundings. There is no signboard that indicates the existence of a leprosy settlement.

In general, the people affected by leprosy living in the settlement are self-reliant. The government handed over the land and houses to them with official certificates. The Municipality of Makassar still provides them with a donation of Rp 10.000 per leprosy affected person per month.

Medical services

There is no specialized clinic for leprosy in the settlement. The government provides a Health Post (Posyandu), which is supervised by the HC near to the settlement. 

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