In 1991, the Member States of WHO, through a resolution in the World Health Assembly (WHA 449), declared their intention to eliminate leprosy as a public health problem by the year 2000. According to WHO the elimination of leprosy as a public health problem meant reducing the prevalence of leprosy to belowone case per 10,000 populaton
After the declaration of the WHA resolution, Indonesia committed itself to the elimination of leprosy in the country by the year 2000. Indonesia participated in the International Conferences on Elimination of Leprosy in Jakarta (1991), Orlando (1993), Hanoi (1994), Beijing (1998).
At the International Conference in Hanoi, Vietnam, July 1994 a pledge was first made (Hanoi Declaration) and unanimously adopted by all participants. Indonesia also participated in the 2nd International Conference on Elimination of Leprosy held in New Delhi 11-13 October 1996 to reinforce this commitment. Indonesia then set up the objectives of the National Leprosy Control Program (NLCP) to be in line with the global target i.e PR to be less than 1 per 10,000 population by the year 2000.
National Strategies were formulated based on the recommendations of the Consultative Meeting on Leprosy Control Program Managers in New Delhi 7 – 12 February 1993 which were acceptable to the Indonesian situation
In the implementation of all strategies and activities, the most important issues were to ensure that enough MDT drugs were available in all health facilities, and that all cases found were put on MDT. A special project was provided for areas difficult to access (Special Action Project for Elimination of Leprosy: SAPEL). The role of all sectors and NGOs in Indonesia needed to be formulated clarifying the type of support and the areas supported, and the resources needed to be mobilized timely.
At the International Conference in Hanoi, Vietnam, July 1994 a pledge was first made (Hanoi Declaration) and unanimously adopted by all participants. Indonesia also participated in the 2nd International Conference on Elimination of Leprosy held in New Delhi 11-13 October 1996 to reinforce this commitment. Indonesia then set up the objectives of the National Leprosy Control Program (NLCP) to be in line with the global target i.e PR to be less than 1 per 10,000 population by the year 2000.
National Strategies were formulated based on the recommendations of the Consultative Meeting on Leprosy Control Program Managers in New Delhi 7 – 12 February 1993 which were acceptable to the Indonesian situation
In the implementation of all strategies and activities, the most important issues were to ensure that enough MDT drugs were available in all health facilities, and that all cases found were put on MDT. A special project was provided for areas difficult to access (Special Action Project for Elimination of Leprosy: SAPEL). The role of all sectors and NGOs in Indonesia needed to be formulated clarifying the type of support and the areas supported, and the resources needed to be mobilized timely.
Also very essential was advocacy and the de-stigmatization of leprosy in the community. For this purpose several events have been conducted in Indonesia.
In 1988, Indonesia launched a National Sport Event for people affected by leprosy in Tangerang, hosted by Sitanala Leprosy Hospital.
In 1988, Indonesia launched a National Sport Event for people affected by leprosy in Tangerang, hosted by Sitanala Leprosy Hospital.
During this event president Soeharto received the leprosy affected participants in the Governmental Palace and shook hand with them. The president was very much concerned and instructed to eliminate the disease.
· Mr. Roichi Sasakawa visited Sitanala Leptrosy Hospital in 1988.
· In 1989, Lady Di (Princes of Wales) visited Indonesia. During her visit she shook hands and mingled with the people affected by leprosy. This event was very encouraging for advocating leprosy elimination in the country.
· In 1990, the second National Sport Event for people affected by leprosy was held in Ujung Pandang (Makassar).
· Ciba Geigy Leprosy Fund produced 2 leprosy documentary films entitled ‘Ikan Sehat Tetap Sehat’ (Healthy fish remains healthy) and ‘Bapakku Garang Bapakku Sayang’ (My Fierce and Loving Father). A section of the films was a message on Information Education and Communication (IEC) regarding leprosy: what is leprosy, how to diagnosed and treatment. Dr. Yamin Hasibuan (the writer) played the part of Dr. Harun in the films.
The results of the MDT implementation from 1990 and 1995 is shown in the maps below
To accelerate leprosy elimination, Indonesia also conducted Leprosy Elimination Campaigns (LEC), and Leprosy Elimination Monitoring (LEM) in order to assess the quality of the program.