It was reported only one leper colony and had been visited in 2003.

1 Sei Besar Leprosy Colony
Address: Penampungan Kusta Sei Besar, Bitahan, Kec. Lokpaikat, Kab Tapin.

Present situation of the Sei Besar Settlement (2003)
This settlement is subordinated by the Social Affair of Tapin district and South Kalimantan province. The settlement was erected during the Dutch occupied Indonesia. There was no document found about the history of the settlement. It is located about 5 km away from Rantau the capital of Tapin district and about 118 km from Banjarmasin. The land area of the settlement is about 300 Hectares. At present there are 62 ex-leprosy patients inhabiting here where the province government subsidizes 25 ex-leprosy patients, while the remaining 37 subsidized by the Tapin district. The government supplies monthly ration per head, which is consisting of 16 kg rice, 1liter cooking oil, 2 kg sugar, 1kg dried salty fish, 1 peace of soap, and I pack of tea.
All of them have RFT and there is no medical record stating about the type of their leprosy. Total number of healthy people is 280; therefore the proportion of ex-leprosy patient is 18%.
From the observation, the settlement is rather isolated from local healthy people. There is no signboard that indicates leprosy settlement, and it is located far from the normal people. In general ex-leprosy patients here are dependent people. Majority occupations are farmers, but seem to be not in self-reliance condition