Plantoengan Leprosy Hospital or Leprosy Colony
Address: Lembaga Pemasyarakatan Pemuda (LP Pemuda) Plantungan, Kab. Kendal.
There is no document found about the history of the Plantoengan leper colony at the Health Office in Semarang. According to Plantoengan staffs, the old buildings in the compound were built in 1870. We can see also from the same marks in every building written 1870. This location was selected for the resort for Dutch armies, cool whether and beautiful panorama with spring water. It is located about 80 km from Semarang or 50 km from Kendal district.
No information could be found when the armies left this resort, and changed the function to leprosy hospital. Fortunately we could meet one staff of the hospital (Mr. Muhammad Ichsan) lives in Plantungan. According to Mr. Ichsan he was working in the hospital from 1958 to 1968. The hospital had 60 beds and the director was Dr Aminudin.
In the old health care, everyday the leprosy patients must gathering take a bath in big pond (bath tap) containing spring water. Formerly the owner of the place was Bala Keselamatan or Leger des Heils. The hospital and compound was about 5, 5 hectares area of land. According to Mr. Ichsan, we can get more information at Bala Keselamatan office in Semarang.
Jl. Dr Cipto 64 A. Based on the government policy the hospital must be closed in 1950. All the leprosy patients transferred to Kelet leprosy hospital. Some staffs also transferred to Kelet hospital. From 1950 – 1970 all buildings were not occupied anymore.
With the direction from the governor Munadi, all buildings, facilities and compound were given to Law Department. This compound then changed to a jail for young ages prisoner similarly with the one in Tangerang and Blitar. Until now this compound is still under Law Department.
Address: Lembaga Pemasyarakatan Pemuda (LP Pemuda) Plantungan, Kab. Kendal.
There is no document found about the history of the Plantoengan leper colony at the Health Office in Semarang. According to Plantoengan staffs, the old buildings in the compound were built in 1870. We can see also from the same marks in every building written 1870. This location was selected for the resort for Dutch armies, cool whether and beautiful panorama with spring water. It is located about 80 km from Semarang or 50 km from Kendal district.
No information could be found when the armies left this resort, and changed the function to leprosy hospital. Fortunately we could meet one staff of the hospital (Mr. Muhammad Ichsan) lives in Plantungan. According to Mr. Ichsan he was working in the hospital from 1958 to 1968. The hospital had 60 beds and the director was Dr Aminudin.
In the old health care, everyday the leprosy patients must gathering take a bath in big pond (bath tap) containing spring water. Formerly the owner of the place was Bala Keselamatan or Leger des Heils. The hospital and compound was about 5, 5 hectares area of land. According to Mr. Ichsan, we can get more information at Bala Keselamatan office in Semarang.
Jl. Dr Cipto 64 A. Based on the government policy the hospital must be closed in 1950. All the leprosy patients transferred to Kelet leprosy hospital. Some staffs also transferred to Kelet hospital. From 1950 – 1970 all buildings were not occupied anymore.
With the direction from the governor Munadi, all buildings, facilities and compound were given to Law Department. This compound then changed to a jail for young ages prisoner similarly with the one in Tangerang and Blitar. Until now this compound is still under Law Department.

A pond (bath tap) for containing spring water.