Huta Salem Hospital and its settlement, 2003
General information of Huta Salem Leprosy Hospital.
The Huta Salem Leprosy Hospital was erected in 1900 on 60 hectares of land. This land was given by Kepala Negeri Pasaribu, Kepala Negeri Sibarani, and Kepala Negeri Hutahaean. At first settlement is located at desa Matio Negeri Balige but then the local communities complained and rejected it. The hospital was built by built office, renovating and built new wards in 1930. They also built houses for the staffs.
Furthermore, the hospital conducted occupational training such as for farmers, chicken breeding, and carpenters. They also have programme for the illiterate patients teaching how to write and to read. The leprosy patients are happy and peace live in the settlement. This condition means Huta Salem.
According to the Directorate General Medical Care MOH, this institution is still defined as a leprosy hospital and belongs to the North Sumatera Province government subordinated by Province Health Services. In 1992 the hospital merged with Huta Salem under one administration.This leprosy hospital situated 10,5 km away from Balige (District capital), 3,5 km from Lagu Boti and 280 km from Medan and about 400 km From Lau Simomo hospital. Huta Salem is out of reach area, no rural transportation.
At present there are 219 ex-leprosy patients in total within 58 couples living here. The 53 couples consist of both husband and wives are ex-leprosy patients. 5 couples consist of husband ex-leprosy patient and wives are healthy people. There were 16 of them are on MDT treatment (15 MB, 1 PB). The healthy inhabitants living in the settlement are recorded to be 92 persons included 77 their children. Therefore total of inhabitants are 311 where proportion of ex-leprosy is 70%. The government provides ration allocates in Lau Simomo leprosy hospital routine budget. One package consists of: Rice 10 kg, Sugar 2 kg, cooking oil 2 kg, salt 1 kg, kerosene 2 liters, soap 4, 8 eggs. The rations are distributed in monthly bases. Since 199, there had been no more additional budget for new admission. The following are the criteria for patients staying in the hospital: Recommendations letter from Camat and Kepala Desa, Poverty Card for health services and should be with good manner.
General information of Huta Salem Leprosy Hospital.
The Huta Salem Leprosy Hospital was erected in 1900 on 60 hectares of land. This land was given by Kepala Negeri Pasaribu, Kepala Negeri Sibarani, and Kepala Negeri Hutahaean. At first settlement is located at desa Matio Negeri Balige but then the local communities complained and rejected it. The hospital was built by built office, renovating and built new wards in 1930. They also built houses for the staffs.
Furthermore, the hospital conducted occupational training such as for farmers, chicken breeding, and carpenters. They also have programme for the illiterate patients teaching how to write and to read. The leprosy patients are happy and peace live in the settlement. This condition means Huta Salem.

According to the Directorate General Medical Care MOH, this institution is still defined as a leprosy hospital and belongs to the North Sumatera Province government subordinated by Province Health Services. In 1992 the hospital merged with Huta Salem under one administration.This leprosy hospital situated 10,5 km away from Balige (District capital), 3,5 km from Lagu Boti and 280 km from Medan and about 400 km From Lau Simomo hospital. Huta Salem is out of reach area, no rural transportation.
At present there are 219 ex-leprosy patients in total within 58 couples living here. The 53 couples consist of both husband and wives are ex-leprosy patients. 5 couples consist of husband ex-leprosy patient and wives are healthy people. There were 16 of them are on MDT treatment (15 MB, 1 PB). The healthy inhabitants living in the settlement are recorded to be 92 persons included 77 their children. Therefore total of inhabitants are 311 where proportion of ex-leprosy is 70%. The government provides ration allocates in Lau Simomo leprosy hospital routine budget. One package consists of: Rice 10 kg, Sugar 2 kg, cooking oil 2 kg, salt 1 kg, kerosene 2 liters, soap 4, 8 eggs. The rations are distributed in monthly bases. Since 199, there had been no more additional budget for new admission. The following are the criteria for patients staying in the hospital: Recommendations letter from Camat and Kepala Desa, Poverty Card for health services and should be with good manner.