Thursday, November 20, 2014

2.2 Belidahan Leprosy Hospital, colony.North Sumatera -

Belidahan Leprosy Hospital is functioning as a leprosy colony, 2003.

Present situation of Belidahan Hospital / Leprosy colony.

Belidahan leprosy Hospital was erected 1955 caters for leprosy patients. Since 1992 it belongs to the North Sumatera Province Government.

Similarly to Pulau Sicanang Hospital, the Belidahan Leprosy colony is also an UPT Dinas Kesehatan Propinsi Sumatera Utara. February 2002, merge with Pulau Sicanang Leprosy Hospital. The leprosy colony has 600 hectares of land, situated about 30 km away from Deli Serdang (Sei Rampah), 65 km from Medan and 20 km from RSK Pulau Sicanang.

There are 311 ex-leprosy patients within 183 couples living here. 123 couples consist of both husbands and wives are ex-leprosy patients, 60 couples one of the pair is ex-leprosy patients. I was found that 4 couples ex-leprosy patients has one child each with leprosy patient (4 children and now already RFT). 72 peoples are healthy, therefore the total number of inhabitants are 383. The proportion of ex-leprosy patients is 81%. 254 persons received package funded by RSK budget (APBD = Funds from the Provincial Governor): Rice 10 kg, sugar 3kg, cooking oil 2 kg, salt 1 block, kerosene 2 liters, soup 4. The rations are distributed in monthly bases with the criteria as follows: one pack per one adult ex-leprosy patient, 1/2 pack for one child ex-leprosy patient, who was registered since 1985. For patients who had been declared RFT after 1985, they can live in the settlement without getting any ration.

<meta NAME=”Description” CONTENT=” National Leprosy Control Program in Indonesia, Program Pengendalian Kusta Nasional, Leprosy Control, Leprosy Hospital, Leprosy Colony, Artikel, ”> <title> <head> <meta NAME=”keywords” CONTENTS=”Belidahan leprosy colony ”> <head> <meta name =”robot” content=”index”> <meta name=”robot” content=follow”