Friday, November 7, 2014

2. The History of Leprosy Disease -

Thursday, June 6, 2013

The History of Leprosy Disease

There are a lot of references about the history of leprosy disease. Some references wrote that the leprosy disease already existed since 4000, 2000, 1550 BC. The earliest possible account of a disease that many scholars believe is leprosy appears in an Egyptian Papyrus document written around 1550 B.C. Around 600 B.C. Indian writings describe a disease that resembles leprosy. In Europe, leprosy first appeared in the records of ancient Greece after the army of Alexander the Great came back from India and then in Rome in 62 B.C. coinciding with the return of Pompeii's troops. One reference that can be read about A BriefHistory of Hansen’s Disease was published by The New York Academy of Medicine.