Partnerships (Inter-sectoral Collaboration, WHO and NGOs) Inter-sectoral Collaboration14 Despite the discovery of a medicine that kills the leprosy germs, the problems in leprosy remained huge not only in the field of medicine but also socio-economically. The Health Department alone could not solve all these problems. The government had realized this even before the introduction of MDT in Indonesia, and had issued the Decree of Home Affairs Number 39, November 1, 1979 on the establishment of the National Inter-sector Leprosy Control Committee on provincial and district level. The members of the committee at different administrative levels consisted of representatives from: Home Affairs Department, Health Department, Social Affair Department, Information Department, Religious Department, Education Department, Manpower Department The roles of these different sectors15 Periodically, members and roles of the inter-sector cooperation were updated. This was then mentioned through decree letters such as the Decree of the Ministry of Health No: 658/MENKES/SK/XII/1984, No: 260/MENKES/SK/V/1985 and No: 420/MENKES/SK/V/1993.
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