Brief history and present situation of Lau Simomo Leprosy colony.
According to the Directorate General Medical Care MOH, this institution is still defined as a leprosy hospital. In reality it is a settlement for ex-leprosy. This leprosy colony belongs to the North Sumatera Province (UPT Dinas Kesehatan Propinsi Sumatera Utara).
Lau Simomo Settlement is situated 90 km away from Medan, 15 km from Kabanjahe (District capital), 1200 meters above of the sea level.
The settlement was erected in August 25th, 1906 on the land of 104 hectares. This land was given by SEBAYAK (Raja) from Suka, Lingga, Sarinembah to NZG (Netherlands Mission) in 1890 for leprosy patients from Karo, Simalungun, Dairi and Aceh.
The clinic was established in 1906 i.e 5 barracks for Christian and 1 barrack for Moslem patients.
1930: In -patient Department was established by Zr Emmma therefore it was named Emma Zaal.
1948: It was developed with Laboratory, pharmacy, and waiting room.
1956: It was the 50th Anniversary. The governor S Kumala Pontas declared the erection of Lau Simomo Leprosarium by donated some amount of personal money, and from the Netherlands and Indonesiaagriculture.
Since 1982 Lau Simomo become as a UPT Dinas Kesehatan Propinsi Sumatera Utara (SK GKDH No 441.117/K/1982, June 30th). It co-ordinates the HutaSelem Leprosy Hospital administratively which is 400 km from Lau Simomo.
At present there are 92 couples, 70 couples consist of both husbands and wives are ex-leprosy patients, one of pair is ex-leprosy patients and widows.
Total ex-leprosy patient 150 and 33 healthy children, therefore total inhabitants are 183. There were 6 MB patients are on MDT treatment. The proportion of ex or leprosy patients of total inhabitants is 82%. The government provide ration for 142 patients. Ex-leprosy patients will get ration if meet the criteria. Since 1982, there was no more additional ration for the new admission. The additional incomes come from cultivating the land of the leprosy colony.