Friday, November 14, 2014

1. Leprosy Hospital - Leprosy Colonies-Background

It was reported that Leprosy Control had been introduced since the era of Dutch occupation in Indonesia. There was no specific drugs for treatment at that time. The endeavours were started with collecting the leprosy patients, put them in the temporary settlements for isolation and general treatment. The purpose of isolation was also to protect the transmission of the disease and for the social economic aids. It was a fact that many leprosy patients were found through out the country. The authorithy then established many permanent settlements and leprosaria (leprosy colonies).

After the independence of Indonesia, the government established the institution for leprosy control programme and started with mono DDS for its treatment. Encouraging the management of leprosy patients by upgrading the settlements (leprosy colony), establish special clinics and also erected some leprosy hospitals.

After years many patients has been hospitalized then the government found difficulties to send them back to their homes. It was happened due to the high stigma and leprophobia amongst the community. The hospital became overcrouded due to social problems

The government is aware of the complexity of leprosy problems, which is not only in medical part but include socio-economic problems. The Ministry of Health alone cannot solve these problems. Therefore the government established Intersectoral Board to handle leprosy problems compherehensively in 1979. The government through the Intersectoral Board, instructs that the leprosy problems should be handled comprehensively. The members of this board consist of Ministry of Home Affairs, Social Affairs, Ministry of Health, Ministry of Information, Ministry of Transmigration, Ministry of Education and Culture and Ministry of Religion. The member roles of the Intersectoral Board were formulated and evaluated periodically. In reality, the Intetrsectoral Board was not function well as expected.

Since the introduction of MDT programme in Indonesia many leprosy patients has been cured. The registered prevalence rate has been fallen down from year to year and on July 2000, Indonesia has achieved elimination of leprosy national wide (registered prevalence rate less tahn 1/10,000 pop).  
After decades of the leprosy control programme, it is important to know, how is the situation of leprosy colonies/settlement/leprosy hospital today?  To describe the situation, the inventory of Leprosy colonies /Settlements, Leprosy Hospitals has been conducted in 2003.

<meta NAME=”Description” CONTENT=” National Leprosy Control Program in Indonesia, Program Pengendalian Kusta Nasional, Leprosy Control, Leprosy Hospital, Leprosy Colony, Artikel, ”> <title> <head> <meta NAME=”keywords” CONTENTS=”leprosy settlement, Diamino Diphenil Sulfon (DDS), leprosy hospital, Multidrug Therapy - MDT, ”> <head> <meta name =”robot” content=”index”> <meta name=”robot” content=follow”